We always appreciate people who take our service and try to keep our clients satisfied with the quality of the services. But sometimes problems happen that spoil the experience. We don’t expect you to leave us behind having a bad experience. That’s why we’ve designed a suitable refund policy.
If for any reason, we are unable to deliver the service outlined on our services page. you will be entitled to a full refund. In this case, we may offer the option to redo the order. However, you will always have the opportunity to get a full refund in this situation if you would prefer.
When you place an order with us, we use your payment to pre-pay our writers & employee to work on your order. So if you change your mind for any reason during the link-building or review process, we can only offer a 50% refund. In this case, you will still receive your service delivery and be able to request revisions.
To request a refund, you can either click here to start a chat or send an email to help@mrranky.com
When contacting us about a refund, please include the email address you used when placing an order.